Thursday, January 28, 2010

No, that is NOT an appropriate use for a Hamster!

This is what I look like when I know there is cake in my near future.


I just realized something. Sure, go ahead and call me crazy…. but it appears that my brilliant and courageous strategy of updating my personal blog on a yearly basis, as opposed to a more traditional (dare I say cowardly?) daily or weekly frequency has proven to be what some would deem less that a profound success.


It also appears that I tend to use more words than truly necessary to illustrate just how lazy of a “C word” (I mean cheeseball, obviously) I can be when it comes to my blogging, which is truly bizarre since it is basically an activity one does purely for enjoyment. Some people play a musical instrument for fun, some people watch excessive amounts of Internet pornography, and nerds blog. Wait… I may actually participate in more than one of those activities. Oh well, someday I will learn how to play guitar…

This sentence was designed to bring to the attention of anyone unfortunate enough to bereading this blog that I am aware that I have already exceeded the maximum number of suspenseful “period trails”(you know, these things à ….. they are called ellipsis) that one can write in a day before being officially declared a maroon by well over 67 U.N. recognized governments.

Anywho, despite the powerful urge to follow the trend and write useless crap about kittens, crock pot recipes and “what my kids got up to over the summer”, I am going to write purely about myself and what I’m thinking. Oh great… here comes my virtual lawyer…

Official Legal Declaration

1: Stephen Vincent, from now on will be referred to as BLOGGER, hereby retracts any offensive statements made within his blog which may have offended other blog writers and/or readers of his personal blog.

2: Any statements made within BLOGGER’s blog were in no way directed towards a Mrs. ALMA PEDERSON and were in no way making fun of her touching and informative blog entries and the numerous photos of kittens and grandchildren with in no way abnormally sized teeth.

Sigh, that joke was both lame and extremely time consuming. Now lets get back to pretending I am interesting and talk about whatever the EFF I want!!

Some Cool Things That Have Occurred Since My Last Blog:

This last year has been very, very awesome in many ways. First of all, I should mention that myself (and the rest of the members of my band) have signed a publishing deal with Casablanca Media. This is all around an awesome thing, because it means that songs I have written or co-written can now be pitched for placement on television and film. This means I can get paid for work I have already done! Woo hoo!! We have already had a Tupelo Honey song called “We Are” placed a few times, one of which was on an episode of the new Degrassi show. It is very cool, but deep down I really wish I was the guy back in the 80’s who composed the theme for the attempted raping of Wheels. I would have called it “Theme for the Attempted Molesting of Wheels”. It has a certain ring to it, much like all the stars of “Extremely Painful Piercings: Volume 4” do, although those rings need aggressive sterilization if we plan on talking about them any further…

Speaking of pornography and the violation of Canadian television stars, I should mention that our publishers are AWESOME. Amy and Jana are some of the coolest people ever, and have definitely been very helpful to us. Even though they took us out to a vegan restaurant called Fresh…. Oh don’t get me wrong, the food was delicious, but it was hard to relax since at any moment a drum circle could have broken out and my chainsaw was very close to being out of gas. Haha, that was actually a great time and I’d definitely go to that restaurant again.

House MD is an excellent show.

Still on the subject of music, the upcoming Tupelo Honey album “Chinese Democracy” is still midway through production. We started writing for this record back in August 2008, scrapped over 30 songs, wrote a bunch more songs, and are somewhere around halfway through recording it. We’ve been lucky enough to have the time and freedom to make sure that this album both sounds amazing and is full of the best songs we’ve ever written, but it is definitely a long process. The album should be somewhere between 10-12 songs when we are finished and I can definitely say that it will be the best music we have ever made, and will sound even better than our last releases.

I’m going to stop this blog right here. Sure, I could keep writing more and more and completely sum up everything I’ve done since the last blog I wrote almost a year ago, but then I’d feel as though I’ve met my 2010 quota of blogging. The whole point of this moronic endeavor was to be a regular exercising of my writing “muscles”, so I really do have to act like a sound-tech and finish prematurely while disappointing everyone else involved.